aXbo International




» The idea behind aXbo was born in 1996 in Graz/Austria.
» The product arising called "aXbo" was presented to the public in 2006.

» Research confirms aXbo's positive effect.
» aXbo is "Designed in Austria" & "Made in Europe" - produced in Austria and Hungary.

» aXbo has satisfied customers in over 90 countries.
» On average, somebody somewhere in the world is woken up every second by aXbo.

» aXbo Limited is based in Brighton / UK, from where sales & distribution is coordinated.
» aXbo gmbh has its headquarters in Vienna. In Austria Research & Development take place.



    Our mission is to help people discover the benefits of an optimal awakening every single day.
    In equal measure the comfortable daily use of our products is our major focus.

    Our vision is worldwide recognition of our revolutionary wake-up system.
    In the long run we intend to become the leading stress free alarm clock.

    We believe in the importance of innovation, creativity, maximum convenience and sustainability, as well as mental and physical well being.