
“I particularly appreciate the special qualities of aXbo when training for the Iron Man, where I usually have to get up between 3 and 4 am.”
Christian Clerici (TV-presenter & triathlete)

“At first I could not believe that such a small device could change getting up in the morning so radically. Now I would never be without my aXbo when travelling!”
Tanja S. (Model)

“With aXbo I wake up easily, even if it’s in the middle of the night. It means I can start my shift feeling fresh and cheerful even at 4 am in the morning!”
Caroline P. (Flight attendant)

“As a pilot my sleeping and waking rhythms are often completely irregular. The fact that I can nevertheless be 100% fit during the day is entirely thanks to my aXbo.”
Thomas S. (Pilot | Captain)

”I just wake up. All by myself. Mum is really happy because she doesn’t have to come and shake me awake in the morning anymore!”
Axel Christopher P. (Primary school pupil)

“When I wake up in the morning with aXbo, I feel much better and don’t feel so tired all day anymore.”
Darunee E. (Self-employed)